It's been a while since I utilised my website, an avenue set up with the constant threat of the facebook "fact checker" brigade.
In the past year I have continued to work through the systems use of legislation, law, regulations along with reading the Ministry of Education Bulletins put out by Secretary of Education Iona Holstead.
In the past 6 months I have noticed the availability of click and print templates for schools to use regarding, masking, vaccination, relationship and sexuality Resources and adoption into the curriculum, emergency response procedures, lockdowns, evacuations, reverse evacuations, pandemic planning, covid response from a Principals perspective.
Our NZ School Communities Unite facebook tribe was 18k strong and growing. It was a resource to aid in effective communication and consultation between NZ School Boards of Trustees, the parents who elected them to provide governance to the school, and the teachers and principals looking for understanding and support following the government issued, board of trustee backed and signed of Mandating of teachers. I have established NZSCU - Connect, NZSCU - Parents in Action, NZSCU - Kids Korero, however I'm consistently banned from facebook and so am unable to admin or answer or advise, and to be honest, I'm over the cancel culture and accusations of misinformation when NO AUTHORITY has ever responded to an actual discussion of concerns. #cancelcancelculture
It was one thing for the Government to issue a directive to schools, it was another to see fellow teachers, principals and parents treat those making medical decisions based on their rights, choice and existing conflicting conditions as criminals requiring trespass notices.
The beautiful, passionate and caring teachers were exited from our school institutes, and this cleared the path to ensure further compliance, from teachers, students, parents and Boards ill equipped to understand a political system operating under Emergency Response Act. Boards who discredited parents attempts at exposing the government over reach, that served cease and desist, that pleaded with Principals and Boards to hear their concerns, to unite, to resolve and to ensure the legal and liability status of the school, the principal and the Board as a crown entity and in their individual capacity to be accountable.
It was made very clear in the early days that NZSTA, Ministry of Education, Hipkins, Iona, were going to follow the instructions of a tyrannical government set to remove any ability for any New Zealand to remain discriminated against for making medical decisions for their families based on knowledge that a Government failed to even consider to provide.
I have recently complete a Hikoi around the Motu, and am now in a position of being facebook blocked, thrown under the bus by other freedom fighters, critised and trolled for my opinion based on my understanding... yet NOT ONE request from any teacher, Principal or School Board to invite me to ANY debate table, or solution based discussion to clarify.
Here's a few of those conversations that have led to the accusations of fear mongering, dis information and no answers.
Stepping forward, I will continue to share my opinion, my view, my thoughts on what I believe is possible and potential threats to our Principals, Boards and Teachers in order to ensure I can hopefully empower parents to protect their children while having their parental rights recognised.
I will also keep pushing for Principals to realise that Duty of Care is a delegation of responsibility into their managerial Policies and Procedures from the Board of Trustee led School Governance Policies and Procedures.
I will also keep referencing the use of emergency response acts, the powers granted, the undemocratic process, the ability to deploy force, the ability to hand the led over to Ministry of Health, District Health Boards, Medical Health Officers and ability to declare an infectious disease outbreak of a notifiable disease as a civil defense emergency.
Lets look at how this scenario could play out and lets break down PCBU, Duty of Care, Ministry of Health Health Directives, Health Orders, WHO and their declaration of the next world pandemic.
Lets also look at our Boards who are nearing their end of serving their 3 year term, how much access they had to NZSTA Governance Training Workshops, their knowledge acquired on operating in line with their Code of Conduct, their legal responsibility and if they felt supported and guided in understanding the legal and liable battle they have placed themselves in.
Lets also discuss the new Boards about to be voted in to take the reins in September, a fresh group with various knowledge on Governance policy for school, protecting the legal and liable standing of the school, the staff, themselves and the Principals when faced with situations that Threated our Principals to uphold Duty of Care as promised to parents.
Lets look at Principals who have stated to parents they will ensure the safety of these children, that they would not allow Medical Health Officers on site to perform medical procedures to ascertain infectious status, that they will not lock parents out to accessing their kids.
For starters Principals and Boards are assuming they will have some kind of jurisdiction on school grounds, that there is no way that the Ministry of Health will request the locking down of a school (reverse evacuation) in order to control the potential spread of a notifiable disease, that there is no provision to detain a student on school grounds, that there is no way a civil defense response will be issued.
Over this week I am going to touch on the above concerns, while continuing to engage with Principals who wish to understand their potential legal and liable position they could face. To continue to request discussions with NZSTA, MoE, Iona and Hipkins (now with 3 portfolios of potential conflicts)
I've tried to put a PDF together to explain my thought process etc...it's a work in progress as is my innerstanding of effectively communicating the inner working of my thoughts. Feedback is welcome, pointers are always considered and constructive criticism always taken on board....even better if you can come to the table to discuss it.
My list of things on my to do list, as the person who decided to speak out initially, and became a voice for parents and dismissed staff and advocate for parents dealing with zoom meetings to discuss a students discrimination, bullying, segregation at the hands of their principals.
Follow up with Iona, NZSTA, Ministry of Education to meet to clarify the position of Duty of Care, if this is removed during a Ministry of Health directed lockdown.
Follow up on interviews in order to discuss and talk around the subject in order to seek clarification
Continue to insist that Principals should request a Board Led parent consultation to put in place a policy that reflects the rights of all involved IF a Ministry of Health Directive is in fact issued that hands PCBU to the Local DHBS to "take the led"
What does "Take the Led" mean in the Ministry of Educations statements, and online resources mean. Does this mean Boards are bound by their Code of Conduct as Crown Entities to allow ANY Ministry of Health LED, to accept ALL information and planning that is distributed from a government led "One Source of Truth)
Establish when a 72 hour administrative directive can be used on students, on school grounds and from what age can compplience notices be served and responded to WITHOUT parent consent.
Do teachers and Principals remaining on site during a Ministry of Health directed lockdown / reverse evacuation or evacuation have any ability to interfere, prevent, or uphold any previous parent request or instruction to ensure the children are not forcibly receiving medical procedures under a Ministry of Health, DHB led response to an infectious disease outbreak suspected to be in schools.
Who is responsible for a non-compliant student refusing testing procedures, or treatment procedures while on school grounds, under a DHB led control of an infectious disease outbreak if parents are refused access to their child, and schools are enable to uphold Duty of Care or provide them with that access
I'm not here to fear monger as accusations suggest, my children do not attend school, and I am no longer sitting as board member following teacher mandates, at which point my ethical and moral consideration as a Board member forced me to step down as I was in know way EVER going to partake in the segregation or discrimination of another's medical decision by dangling their position and ability to provide and earn in front of them.
My vested interested is accountability for the decisions made, awareness for Boards about what their role is and how to uphold their right to provide governance and policy that reflect their school community, and to point out the inability of our ministers to provide any effective transparency, guidance, consideration or procedures that unite a school community, not divide and manipulate it.
I want an open discussion as to why they chose to deploy fear based tactics, with holding parents, are not interested in community based initiatives and are continuing to use punishment, prosecution to re-engage students back into education facilities (or the institutes they are).
There is also clarification needed around the appointing of Karl Davis into a position under the Ministry of Education when he was the very person that supplied 2 character references for 2 convicted pedofiles [NAME, Name] in the case that led to the discovery of the child sex trafficking and trading of child porn imagery on an international level.
I'll leave with the latest issue from the Ministry of Education.
If you feel like pulling about and having adult discussions on the governments idea of mis information (basically anything that does not come from the horses mouth labelled as "the one source of truth) is NOT to be considered!!!
Q. Why is there a 4 week masking campaign, where instituting the use of masks is the goal given to teaching staff. Why are the principals and teachers aspiring to suffocate, silence and promote the lung damage of your child. Why are the discriminating and encouraging bullying and peer pressure on students who are non-compliers. What tactics are they using to deal with the behaviour of students who are failing to comply?
In continued service to fighting the good fight against our Corporate Government
Aimee Bearda