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A WIN for NZ with the Human Rights Commission

Writer's picture: nzschoolcommunityunzschoolcommunityu


Good morning;

Please find below the reply we received this morning from the NZ Human Right Commission.

They basically validate our position on informed consent, human rights and the freedom to choose regarding the injection.

"COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary and vaccines may not be forcibly administered"

Therefore any coercion either by threat to employment, social status, freedom of movement, freedom to do business ect... is a breach.

They encourage individuals who feels that their rights are breached to complain to the HDC or the NZ Human Rights Commission.


Maxine Leilua <>

Thank you for taking the time to write to the Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt regarding the concerns of the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science about the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine.

The Covid-19 pandemic – and the measures undertaken by the Government to combat it – are unprecedented and place significant restrictions on New Zealanders’ human rights. As New Zealand’s national human rights institution, the Human Rights Commission must hold the Government and other duty bearers to account to ensure that any measures now in place are proportionate and safeguard Te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights, even if at times the views expressed may seem contrary to popular opinion. We are working to ensure human rights are safeguarded at this time.

The current context, including the vaccine rollout, concerns several key human rights issues including the right to informed consent. We have provided guidance on our website regarding the vaccine rollout and human rights see Transparency and access to information are essential components of human rights and go hand in hand with accountability. Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights notes that the right to freedom of expression includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information from the State. People have the right to know what is happening in a public health crisis. Transparency is essential in the vaccination process. Information about the vaccine should be available in readily understandable formats and languages. Being open and transparent, and involving those affected in decision-making, is key to ensuring people participate in measures designed to protect their own health and that of the wider population. Vaccination programmes should be developed on the human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination, which guarantee access, availability and accessibility of resources without any distinction due to economic situation, ethnicity, gender or any other human or social conditions. COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary and vaccines may not be forcibly administered.

If individuals have concerns about the medical treatment they have received as part of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, they should submit a complaint to the Health and Disability Commissioner If any individuals have concerns that they have been discriminated against as a result of their views about the vaccine for religious or ethical reasons, they are encouraged to make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission

Ngā mihi


For the Chief Commissioner’s Office

Human Rights Commission


21 July 2021

Mr. Paul Hunt

Chief Human Rights Commissioner

New Zealand Human Rights Commission

Te Kahui Tika Tangata

Level 7, The AIG Building, 41 Shortland Street, Auckland

PO Box 6751, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142



Dear Chief Human Rights Commissioner;


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Oct 29, 2021

Unfortunately when you look at the HRCs guidance on their website (which Maxine refers to in her letter), they tout the party line and are fully supportive of the rollout in its current format. - scroll down to “ What are the government’s human rights obligations concerning the Covid-19 vaccine?” and “Can my employer require me to have a vaccine?”.

They basically say that in a public health crisis such as this the ‘right to life’ must be protected by the govt and this justifies the rollout.

For those in the mandated sectors “receiving the vaccine is a requirement of the job.”

The Supreme Court of New Zealand has found that, in some instances, the right to refuse medical…

Oct 29, 2021
Replying to

I totally agree that its not a public health crisis. But you've got a massive job ahead of you getting the govt and all its lackies (which now obviously include the HRC) to admit that. Definitely need a campaign... or a court ruling.... or a whistleblower...!


Oct 21, 2021

We note you have published a Human Rights Commission response made to NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS).

We wish to make clear that the Commission supports the rollout of the vaccination programme and strongly encourages anyone, that is able, to be vaccinated. Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt issued a statement on Saturday 16 October as follows:

“Fulfil your human rights responsibility to whānau, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, your community, and our indispensable health professionals: get vaccinated! Human rights are not just about rights. They are also about our responsibilities to each other, including the responsibility to do all we reasonably can to keep each other safe. This powerful idea is woven deeply into the fabric of our society. It…

Dave Jordan
Dave Jordan
Oct 29, 2021
Replying to

I dont understand why you people continue to push this jab. It is an experiment, it has not been approved for wide spread use. Millions will pass over the next few years. Look at the global numbers of death and harm we have never seen anything like this ever. PCR tests are inaccurate and never meant for such use as covid. You have to wake up. If you show me the safety sheet, data that supports the use of this jab i would be most grateful.


I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that this letter validates your position? Maybe you're casting a lens of confirmation bias. All the information regarding the vaccine is completely transparent and available on the Covid-19 website. The vaccine is still a choice for all - no one is being forced to get the vaccine. Like everything in life, choices have consequences. But again, no one is forcing anyone to get the vaccine. You're really grasping at straws here to try and validate your beliefs, and this letter just simply does not do that.

Oct 26, 2021
Replying to

You live in the same country as us? Where the vaxxed will be able to enjoy pursuits like going to restuarants n the unvaxxed will stay at home. Nazi Germany 1939 again.


Oct 14, 2021

Hi, I am a retired primary teacher, who is very concerned about the way the gov has acted in imposing mandate vaccines against Covid. New Zealand is (or used to be) a democratic country. I am not vaccinated, nor do I intend to be, partly for medical reasons and partly because I don't think enough research has gone into the matter. Being unvaccinated, I have endured endless harassment, via mobile, post and landline ( Private number) I've asked them not to keep pestering me,to no avail. On Tuesday,I received an offer of a free taxi, both to and from the vaccine centres. Apart from this, there are the ridiculous steps, one of which Jacinda has openly encouraged people to break…


Oct 14, 2021

Hi I am a support worker in mental health and drug rehabilitation sector under which we have been toldvthat we need to get the vaccine by thec30th of October or lose our jobs. I feel this breaches my rights under the freedom of rights act. I am hoping that you will be able to advise me what I can do.



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