Voices for freedom provide many resources for many situations you may be facing right now.
FREEDOM TV: What's On This Week? TONIGHT: Important Health and Safety Webinar WEDNESDAY: Jaspreet Boparai is joined by Elliot Ikilei THURSDAY: Dr Alison Goodwin on Covid Myths SUNDAY: Fireside Chat with Dr Peter Canaday on Kids & Covid
P.S. Reminder, you don't have to be a huge thundering domino to make change happen, just a regular domino. When regular dominos start falling and knocking other dominos, the effect is mesmerising and magnificent.
You could:
Say no and mean it;
Get support if you have to;
Grab our Employment Kit if you're feeling pressure at work;
Tell someone every day what is truly going on;
Share a video (this one is fantastic);
Grab our NEW Mask Mini-Kit;
Stop watching T.V. and listening to the radio;
Make a meal for someone who needs it;
Put your hand up to help your local Voices for Freedom Coordinator;
Send a letter to your local M.P. and remind them they work for you;
Post links to www.voicesforfreedom.co.nz under every Social Media post you can;
Join us on Freedom T.V. (there's one tonight!);
Register for tonights Health and Safety Webinar;
Join your industry support group and find people who are feeling like you;
Share our Odysee channel including our past webinars with someone;
Say to one person every day: "What do you think? Does this make sense to you?" OR “How much longer do you think this will go on for?" OR “It's seems so crazy doesn't it given government has said getting jab doesn't stop transmission?!"
Say it again if you can.
And again.
And again. You can make a difference.
Most of all, hang in there. This storm will pass and you are not alone.