We have started our journey to learning at home… all of us in it together.
I must admit, it’s being a work in progress, it’s more than just printing out sheets and downloading learning resources in the kids devices. It’s takes planning, it takes managing, it takes juggling the current world situation and the keeping in touch with our amazing group of parents, teachers, principals, students, grandparents.
Now, I have had a lot of grandparents, wanting to help, want to stand up for their grandchildren and the nations grandbabies.
Im thinking… about the possibility of having our grandparents writing story about a moment in history they lived through, or a story about a family members time in history. This can be written and we can upload for parents to print off, or recorded as a voice message to listen to, or a video we can upload.
I would love an opportunity for the children to then respond by post with guidance in writing a formal letter, addressed properly…. (This could be another great area for a lesson of formal letter writing).
Or written responses below an online video, or an audio recording response. It would be good to use this as reading, comprehension and interpretation of the story told. To ask further questions, to express the emotional response felt.
Local grandparents could come together to be an advocate, rally around the students in their neighbourhood to help ask the questions to deliver informed consent, to offer the parents security that while they are fighting the battles, working, looking after the home that a grandparent gang has their back and well-being of the local children in hand.
Great idea